How to never get fired in France, your emails, and libertarian communism – The Forrin Podcast Ep. 10
Forrin turns 10! In this episode, Mike and Pat reply to emails on anarchism, passports, Marine le Pen (again) and the new French immigration laws before chatting about the subject of work in Denmark and France. They touch on unionism, work contracts and working culture, before turning to their favourite topic (education) and the state of play regarding the university and college systems in their respective adopted countries.
Also, a couple of FYIs. Firstly, this is the first episode to be filmed. Mike worked on the edit all weekend, so be sure to check it out on YouTube. Also, Mike interviewed a Bosnian colleague at work last week, so the second episode of Forrin Extra will be published next Monday, February 12. Don’t miss it!
References from this episode:
France brings in stricter French language requirements for foreigners (
“What Is an Apparatus?” and Other Essays (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Ni Dieu, ni Maître (Nouvelle éd. en 1 vol.) (Poches essais): Anthologie de l’anarchisme
The Philosophy Of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism